Poet, translator, educator.
Poetry Studio: The Prose Poem
Join us to explore the possibilities of that most elusive of forms, the prose poem.
PS Workshop Group
This intimate monthly group offers an encouraging space to develop your poetry. Sessions include feedback on your poems-in-progress alongside conversation around contemporary poetry and next steps for you and your work.
Spring/Summer term [Feb-Jun] @ £180 for 5 sessions. Dates: Feb 25, March 25, April 22, May 27, Jun 24
Places are limited @ 4-8 poets to keep the group small.
Poetry Studio: OULIPO Potential & Possibilities
Join us to embrace the endless possibilities of constraints to generate new poems
PS Workshop Group
This intimate monthly group offers an encouraging space to develop your poetry. Sessions include feedback on your poems-in-progress alongside conversation around contemporary poetry and next steps for you and your work.
Spring/Summer term [Feb-Jun] @ £180 for 5 sessions. Dates: Feb 25, March 25, April 22, May 27, Jun 24
Places are limited @ 4-8 poets to keep the group small.
Summer Term: Thursdays from May 15 - July 17
Session 5/10
PS Workshop Group
This intimate monthly group offers an encouraging space to develop your poetry. Sessions include feedback on your poems-in-progress alongside conversation around contemporary poetry and next steps for you and your work.
Spring/Summer term [Feb-Jun] @ £180 for 5 sessions. Dates: Feb 25, March 25, April 22, May 27, Jun 24
Places are limited @ 4-8 poets to keep the group small.
Shazea Quraishi is a Pakistani-born Canadian poet and translator based in London.
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Poetry Studio
The Poetry Studio is a hospitable online space for new and experienced poets to come together to read poems in English and in translation, to inspire writing in session. Informal discussion on a theme provides an opportunity to reflect on individual poetics, and structured writing exercises are designed to seed new poems.